
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

accingō nxī, nctus, ere,

to gird to, gird on, bind on, put on with a girdle, gird round: lateri ensem, V.; pass: accingitur ense, girds himself, V.: quo (ense) fuit accinctus, O.—Meton., to arm, equip, furnish, provide: paribusque accingitur armis, V.: gladiis, L. — Fig., accingere se or accingi, to gird oneself, prepare, make ready, be ready: adcingere, make yourself ready, T.: accingere!to your work, O.: accingendum ad eam cogitationem esse, L.: ad consulatum, L.: in hoc discrimen, L. — With Gr. acc.: magicas accingier artīs, to have recourse to, V.: accingar dicere pugnas, V. — Poet.: accingunt omnes operi, address themselves, V.

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