
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

accipiō cēpī, ceptus, ere

ad+capio, to take without effort, receive, get, accept . — Of voluntary taking, to take, accept, take into possession, receive : obsides, Cs.: divitias, N.: aliquid a patre, inherit , N.: suspitio acceptae pecuniae ob rem iudicandam (of a bribe): pecuniam per Volcatium, by the hands of : alqm gremio, V.: milites urbe tectisve, L.: sucos ore aut volnere, O.— Fig.: oculis aut pectore noctem, V.— To admit, let in : armatos in arcem, L.: alqm in amicitiam: (parentes) in civitatem, to citizenship , L.— To take under protection : (virginem) accepi, acceptam servabo, T.: taedā accepta iugali, i. e. wedded , O.— To receive as a guest, entertain, welcome : Laurentes nymphae, accipite Aenean, V.: quam Delos orantem accepit, O.: (eum) in vestram fidem, into your confidence .— Ironically, to entertain, deal with, treat : indignis modis, T.: quo te modo accepissem, nisi iratus essem: eum male acceptum ... coegit, etc. (of a defeated enemy), N.—In busines, to collect (money): a praetore pecuniam. — acceptus, P., received, collected : accepta pecunia. — Esp. in the phrase, referre acceptum (alqd), to credit, give credit for : amplius sestertium ducentiens acceptum hereditatibus rettuli, entered to the credit of inheritance , i. e. owe to bequests : alcui vitam suam referre acceptam, acknowledge that he owes his life , etc.: salutem imperi uni omnes acceptam relaturos, Cs.— In law: sponsionem acceptam facere, to discharge the bond, acknowledge payment of the sponsio .—Of involuntary taking, to receive, get, be the recipient of, take, submit to, suffer, bear : volnera tergo, V.: graviore volnere accepto, Cs.: cum semel accepit solem (leo), has felt the power of , H.: hunc metum, i. e. take this risk , T.: contumeliam, T.— Esp. of places, to admit, take in, receive, open to : Strophadum me litora primum Accipiunt, V.: nullae eum urbes accipiunt, nulla moenia, L.: illum unda accipit sinu vasto, V.— Fig., of perception and thought: quae accepi auribus, T.: mandata auribus: quem ipse accepi oculis animoque sensum, hunc, etc., the impression I received .—In gen., to take, hear, attend to, perceive, understand, learn : Accipe nunc Danaum insidias, listen to , V.: sicut ego accepi, as I have heard , S.: ut accepi a senibus: accipite ... veterem orationem Archytae: quae postea acciderant, Cs.: reliquos ne famā quidem acceperunt, have not heard of them , Cs.: si te aequo animo ferre accipiet, T.: hoc sic fieri solere accepimus: ex parente ita accepi, munditias mulieribus convenire, S.: ut celeriter acciperet quae tradebantur, understood , N.—Absol: non recte accipis, T.: volenti animo de ambobus acceperant, had eagerly welcomed news of both , S.—In partic., of a word or pledge, take : accipe daque fidem, i. e. exchange solemn assurances , V.—Praegn., to take, interpret, explain : ad contumeliam omnia, to regard as an insult , T.: his in maius acceptis, being exaggerated , L.: hoc in bonam partem, take kindly : alqd durius: facinus severe accipere, with displeasure : aliter tuom amorem atque est, T.: aequo animo, S.— Accipere aliquid in omen, to regard a thing as an omen, accept the omen : id a plerisque in omen magni terroris acceptum, L.; but accipere omen, to receive as a ( favorable ) omen , L.—With ellips. of omen : Accipio, adgnoscoque deos, I accept ( the omen ) and , etc., V.— To accept, be satisfied with, approve : dos, Pamphile, est decem talenta. Pam . Accipio, T.: ‘equi te esse feri similem, dico.’ Ridemus et ipse Messius, ‘accipio,’ I allow it, exactly so , H.: ab hoste armato condicionem, Cs.— To take upon one, undertake, assume, undergo : bellum, quod novus imperator noster accipiat, in which ... succeeds to the command : causam: eos (magistratūs): iudicium (of the defendant), stand the trial : iudicium accipere pro Quinctio, i. e. agree for Q. to stand trial .

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