
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aciēs ēī (old form ē; acc.aciem, disyl.V.; plur.only nom.and acc.), f

2 AC-, a sharp edge, point, cutting part : securium: falcis, V.—Fig.: horum auctoritatis, the edge , i. e. efficiency . — Meton., of sight, sharpness of vision, keen look : aciem oculorum ferre, Cs.: fugere aciem: cum stupet acies fulgoribus, the sight , H.— Brilliancy, brightness : neque tum stellis acies obtunsa videtur, V.— Concr., the pupil of the eye : acies ipsa, quā cernimus.—Poet., the eye : huc geminas nunc flecte acies, V.: huc atque huc acies circumtulit, V.—In war, the front of an army, line of battle, battle-array : triplex, i. e. the legion in three ranks , Cs.: duplex, Cs.: mediā acie, Cs.: exercitūs nostri: aciem instruere, Cs.: extra aciem procurrere, Cs.: neque in acie, sed alio more bellum gerendum, S.— Of a line of ships: productā longius acie (navium), Cs.— The battle-array, an army in order of battle : hostium acies cernebatur, Cs.: unius corporis duae acies dimicantes, two divisions of an army : prima, the van , L.: tertia, Cs.: novissima the rear , L.— Of cavalry: equitum acies, L.— Poet.: Volcania, a line of fire , V.— A battle, engagement : in acie Pharsalicā: in acie vincere, Cs.—Fig., of mind, acuteness, sharpness, force, power : mentis: animi.— A verbal contest, disputation, discussion, debate : in aciem prodire.

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