
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

acuō uī, ūtus, ere

2 AC-, to sharpen, whet, point, make sharp : stridor serrae, cum acuitur: ferrum in me, V.: sagittas cote cruentā, H.— Fig., of the tongue, to sharpen, exercise, practise : linguam causis, H.— Of the intellect, to sharpen, quicken, arouse, discipline, improve : multa quae acuant mentem: illos sat aetas acuet, will make them keen , T.— To stimulate, spur on, stir, arouse, incite, encourage, kindle : illum: ad crudelitatem te: alqm verbis, V.— To increase, embitter, strengthen, exasperate : iram hosti, L.: stridoribus iras, V.

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