ad praep.with acc.
I cf. Eng. at.—Of approach (opp. to ab, as in to ex ).
I I. In space, to, toward : retorquet oculos ad urbem: una pars vergit ad septentriones, Cs.: tendens ad sidera palmas, V.—Fig.: ad alia vitia propensior, more inclined to . —Esp., ad dextram, sinistram, or laevam, to or on the right or left : ito ad dextram, T.: alqd ad dextram conspicere, Cs.: non rectā regione ... sed ad laevam, L.—Designating the goal, to, toward : ad ripam convenire, Cs.: vocari ad cenam, H.: ad se adferre: reticulum ad narīs sibi admovebat (cf. accedit ad urbem, he approaches the city ; and, accedit provinciae, it is added to the province ).— Ad me, te, se, for domum meam, tuam, suam (in T.freq.): eamus ad me, T.— With gen., ellipt.: ad Dianae, to the temple of , T.: ad Castoris currere. — Used for dat: litteras dare ad aliquem, to write one a letter (cf. litteras dare alicui, to give a letter to one ): domum ad te scribere: ad primam (epistulam) scribere, to answer .—Hence, librum ad aliquem mittere, scribere, to dedicate a book to one . —In titles, ad aliquem signifies to, addressed to .— With names of towns, ad answers to Whither? for the simple acc., i. e. to the vicinity of, to the neighborhood of : ad Aquinum accedere, approach : ut cum suis copiis iret ad Mutinam. — Of hostile movement or protection, against (cf. adversus): veniri ad se existimantes, Cs.: ipse ad hostem vehitur, N.: Romulus ad regem impetum facit (cf. in), L.: clipeos ad tela protecti obiciunt, V.: ad hos casūs provisa praesidia, Cs.—In war, of manner of fighting: ad pedes pugna venerat, was fought out on foot , L.: equitem ad pedes deducere, L.: pugna ad gladios venerat, L.— Emphatic of distance, to, even to, all the way to : a Salonis ad Oricum portūs ... occupavit, Cs.: usque a Dianis ad Sinopum navigare. — Fig.: deverberasse usque ad necem, T.: virgis ad necem caedi.—Of nearness or proximity in gen. (cf. apud), near to, by, at, close by : ad forīs adsistere: Ianum ad infimum Argiletum fecit, L.: quod Romanis ad manum domi supplementum esset, at hand , L.: errantem ad flumina, V.; and ellipt.: pecunia utinam ad Opis maneret! — Of persons: qui primum pilum ad Caesarem duxerat, Cs.: ad me fuit, at my house : ad inferos poenas parricidi luent, among .—So, fig.: ad omnīs nationes sanctum, in the judgment of , Cs.: ut esset ad posteros monumentum, etc., L.: ad urbem esse (of a general outside of the walls): ad urbem cum imperio remanere, Cs.—With names of towns and verbs of rest: pons, qui erat ad Genavam, Cs.; and with an ordinal number and lapis : sepultus ad quintum lapidem, N.—
II II. In time, about, tow ard : domum reductus ad vesperum, toward evening.—Till, until, to, even to, up to : usque ad hanc aetatem: ad multam noctem: amant ad quoddam tempus, until : quem ad finem? how long : ad quartam (sc. horam), H.— Hence, ad id (sc. tempus), till then : ad id dubios servare animos, L.— At, on, in, by : ad horam destinatam, at the appointed hour : frumentum ad diem dare. —
III III. In number or amount, near, near to, almost, about, toward (cf. circiter): talenta ad quindecim coëgi, T.: annos ad quadraginta natus.— Adverb. : occisis ad hominum milibus quattuor, Cs.: ad duo milia et trecenti occisi, L.—Of a limit, to, unto, even to (rare): (viaticum) ad assem perdere, to the last farthing , H.: ad denarium solvere. —Esp., ad unum, to a single one, without exception : omnes ad unum idem sentiunt: exosus ad unum Troianos, V.—
IV. IV.In other relations, with regard to, in respect of, in relation to, as to, to, in : ad honorem antecellere: nihil ad rem pertinet.—Ellipt.: rectene an secus, nihil ad nos: Quid ad praetorem? quid ad rem? i. e. what difference does it make? H.: quibus (auxiliaribus) ad pugnam confidebat, Cs.: ad speciem ornatus, ad sensum acerbus: mentis ad omnia caecitas: ad cetera paene gemelli, H.: facultas ad dicendum.—With words denoting measure, weight, manner, model, rule, etc., according to, agreeably to, after : taleis ad certum pondus examinatis, Cs.: ad cursūs lunae describit annum, L.: canere ad tibiam: carmen castigare ad unguem, to perfection (see unguis), H.: ad istorum normam sapientes: ad specus angustiae vallium (i. e. ad specuum similitudinem angustae valles), Cs.— With the cause or reason, according to, at, on, in consequence of, for, in order to : ad horum proces in Boeotiam duxit, on their entreaty , L.: dictis ad fallendum instructis, L.: causae ad discordiam, to produce dissension , T.: ad facinora incendere, S.: ad speciem tabernaculis relictis, for appearance , Cs.: ad id, for this use, as a means to that end , L.: ad id ipsum, for that my purpose , L.: delecto milite ad navīs, marines , L.: puer ad cyathum statuetur, H.: biiugi ad frena leones, yoked in pairs with bits , V.: res quae sunt ad incendia, Cs.: ad communem salutem utilius.—In comparison, to, compared with, in comparison with : terra ad universi caeli complexum: nihil ad tuum equitatum, Caesar.—
V. V.In adverbial phrases, ad omnia, withal, to crown all : ad omnia tantum advehi auri, etc., L.—Ad hoc and ad haec, moreover, besides, in addition : ad hoc, quos ... postremo omnes, quos, etc., S.— Ad id quod, beside that (rare): ad id quod ... indignitate etiam Romani accendebantur, L.— Ad tempus, at a definite, fixed time , C., L.; at a fit, appropriate time , L.; for some time, for a short time , L.; according to circumstances . — Ad praesens, for the moment, for a short time .—Ad locum, on the spot : ut ad locum miles esset paratus, L.—Ad verbum, word for word, literally . — Ad summam, on the whole, generally, in general; in a word, in short , C., H.—Ad extremum, ad ultimum, ad postremum, at the end, finally, at last ; of place, at the extremity, at the top, at the end : ad extremum (teli) unde ferrum exstabat, L.; of time, at last, finally : ad extremum incipit philosophari; of order, finally, lastly; to the last degree, quite , L.— Quem ad finem? to what limit? how far? how long? Note .—a.Ad rarely follows its acc: quam ad, T.: quos ad, C.: ripam ad Araxis, Ta.—b.In composition, ad- stands before vowels, b, d, f, h, i consonant, m, n, q, v , and mostly before l, r, s ; acbefore c ; but very often ad- before cl-, cr -, and cu- ; ag- or ad- before g ; ap- or ad- before p ; atbefore t ; but a- or ad- before gn, sp, sc, st .