
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ad-eō (1) iī

(rarely īvī), itus, īre, to go to, come to, come up to, approach, draw near: ad eum?T.: ad istum fundum: ad arbitrum, to submit a cause to a referee: in conventum: in ius, to go to law: ad praetorem in ius: eccum video, adibo, T.: cautus adito, draw near, H.: an quoquam mihi adire licet?S.: Gades mecum, to accompany to, H.: ambos reges, S.: quā (famā) solā sidera adibam, i. e. was aspiring, V.—Supin. abl.: munimentum a planioribus aditu locis, easy of approach, L.—Esp., to approach, address, accost, apply to: aliquot me adierunt, T.: vatem, V.: deos.—To assail, attack, approach: oppida castellaque munita, S.: virum, V.—Fig., to enter on, undertake, set about, take in hand: ad causas: ad rem p., to take office.—To undergo, submit to, expose oneself to: ad extremum vitae periculum, Cs.—With acc: periculum capitis: adeundae inimicitiae pro re p.—Of an inheritance, to enter on, take possession of: hereditatem: hereditas adita.

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