
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ad-haerēscō haesī, haesus, ere, inch.

adhaereo, to cleave, stick, adhere : tragula ad turrim, Cs.: summusque in margine versus adhaesit, i. e. was added on the verge of the tablet , O.: adhaerescere ad columnam (Maeniam), to be pilloried as a fraudulent debtor : in me tela adhaeserunt: craterae limus adhaesit, H.: fronte cuspis adhaesit, O.: nactus hoc litus adhaesi, remained , O.: in his locis.—Fig., to cling, adhere : ad quamcunque disciplinam: iustitiae honestatique, to be devoted : oratio ita libere fluebat, ut numquam adhaeresceret, never faltered. — To correspond to, accord with, fit, suit : omnia ad vestrum studium. — To hang on, trail after, be the last : tenesne memoriā te extremum adhaesisse? hung on the end , i. e. were chosen last .

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