
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ad - hūc adv.

of time, until now, heretofore, hitherto, as yet: sicut adhuc fecerunt, speculabuntur: unde est adhuc bellum tractum, nisi, etc., all this time: adhuc ignota precatur flumina, hitherto, V.: qui me passus est usque adhuc facere, etc., always till now, T. — Esp., to this point, to this place, hitherto, thus far: adhuc ea dixi, cur, etc., up to this point: satis adhuc nullum emolumentum vidistis, long enough already, L.: erat adhuc inpudens, qui teneret, so.—Adhuc non, or neque adhuc, not as yet, not to this time: nihil adhuc, nothing as yet, or not at all as yet: numquam adhuc, never as yet, never yet: maximis iniuriis adfecti, adhuc non venerunt: Cui neque fulgor adhuc nec dum sua forma recessit, V.: quā pugnā nihil adhuc exstitit nobilius, N.—For etiam nunc, yet, still: adhuc tranquilla res est, it is still quiet, T.: exercitus ignotus adhuc duci suo, L.: si quis adhuc precibus locus, V.—Colloq. and late, still, besides, in addition: et adhuc adfluebat omnis inventus, Ta.: melius quidem adhuc eae civitates, etc., still better is the condition of, etc., Ta.

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