
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aedis or aedēs is (accplur. usu aedīs), f

AID-, a dwelling of the gods, temple, sanctuary (usu. a single edifice without partitions , while templum is a larger structure): Minervae: aedīs sacras incendere: in aede sonare (of poems), to be recited in the temple , H.: vacua Romanis vatibus, i. e. the Library in the Palatine Temple of Apollo , H.—Esp., a private chapel, sanctuary in a dwelling: decora, H.—Sing, a room, apartment , Cu.—Plur, a dwelling for men, house, habitation : matrona in aedibus, T.: regiae: ex aedibus Cethegi alqd ferre: domus salutantum totis vomit aedibus undam, i. e. from all parts , V.: cavae aedes, the vaulted mansion , V.—Poet., the cells (of bees), V.