
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aequō āvī, ātus, āre

aequus, to make equal, equalize : suas opes cum potentissimis aequari, Cs.: numerum (corporum) cum navibus, V.: fortunam animis, L.: tecta caelo, raise , V.: illi ... amorem, returns equal love , V.: imperium terris, animos Olympo, extend , V.: solo aequandae sunt dictaturae, abolished , L.: nocti ludum, i. e. play all night , V.: Ibant aequati numero, i. e. kept step to the song , V.: aequato omnium periculo, Cs.: aequato Marte, L.: cur non omnia aequantur?i. e. equally vested in the two parties , L.: caelo te laudibus, raise , V.: laborem Partibus iustis (abl.), distribute equally , V.: foedera cum rigidis aequata Sabinis, i. e. made on equal terms , H.— To place on an equality with, compare : scelera cum aliis. — Of places, to make level, even, smooth : locum, Cs.: area aequanda cylindro, V.: pumice omnia, Ct.: aciem, i. e. make as long as the enemy's , L.: nec tamen aequari frontes poterant, L.— To become equal, equal, come up to, attain, reach : illis se: caelum, to reach , O.: cum sulcos aequant sata, i. e. grow as high as the ridges , V.: facta dictis, i. e. speak worthily of the achievements , L.: lacrimis labores, lament adequately , V.: regum opes animis, i. e. rival by his spirit , V.: ducem passibus, keep pace with , V.: sagitta aequans ventos, as swift as the winds , V.: vellera nebulas aequantia, i. e. as fine as mist , O.: munia comparis, i. e. draw even with her mate , H.

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