
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aestimātiō ōnis, f

aestimo, the determination of value, value, valuation, appraisement : aestimatione factā, Cs.: potestas aestimationis habendae: frumenti, the determination of a rate of duty : erat Athenis quasi poenae aestimatio, i. e. a commutation .—Esp., in law, litis or litium aestimatio, a valuation of the matter in dispute, assessment of damages : lex de multarum aestimatione, the commutation of fines in kind , L.: possessionum et rerum, i. e. an appraisement of real and personal estate , Cs.: praedia in aestimationem accipere, to accept at the appraisement : aestimationes vendere, i. e. property received at a high appraisement : aestimationem accipere, to suffer injury (by taking property at too high a valuation).—Fig., a valuation, estimation : honoris, L.: recta, Ta.: propria virtutis, intrinsic worth. — Esteem : aestimatione dignus.

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