
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ager grī, m

productive land, a field, farm, estate, arable land, pasture: agrum mercari, T.: fertilis, fructuosus: agri solum, the bare ground, Cs.: agros findere sarculo, H.: conserere, V.: agri terminos, of an estate, H.: situs agri, of the farm, H. —A territory, district, domain: Hirpinus: Helvetius, Cs.: his civitas data agerque, L.: Apollinis, the domain of Apollo's temple, V. — Esp.: ager Romanus, the Roman possessions in land: publicus, public domain: privatos agros publicā pecuniā coëmere, private estates.—The fields, the open country, the country: neque agri neque urbis odium, T.: homines ex agris concurrunt: per agros perque vias, O.: domus qui prospicit agros, H.: mille pedes in fronte, trecentos in agrum dare, i. e. in depth, H.—A plain, valley, champaign (opp. montes): campestris, L,: montes agrosque salutat, O.

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