
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

albus adj.,

white (without lustre, opp. ater; cf. candidus, opp. niger): color: hedera, V.: plumbum, i. e. tin, Cs.: parma, i. e. unadorned, V.: canities, O.: vitis, bryony, O.: pallor, ghastly, H.: lapis, marble, H.: pedibus vēnire albis, i. e. with chalked feet (as of slaves for sale), Iu.: stella, propitious, H.: Notus, clear, H.—Prov.: avis alba, a white bird (i. e. a rarity): filius albae gallinae, a white hen's son, i. e. a son of fortune, Iu.—Ater an albus, black or white, i. e. I care not who or what: unde illa scivit ater an albus nascerer, Ph.: is qui albus aterve fuerit ignoras.—Equis albis praecurrere alqm, greatly to surpass (in allusion to the triumphal chariot), H.

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