
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aliēnō āvī, ātus, āre

alienus, to make strange, make another's, transfer, make over, part with : de vectigalibus alienandis: a vobis alienari (sc. res): parvo pretio ea.— To make subject to another, give up, lose : urbs maxima alienata, i. e. subjected to a foreign power , S.: pars insulae alienata, L.—Fig., to alienate, estrange, set at variance : omnium suorum voluntates, Cs.: quae alienarat: omnīs a se bonos: a dictatore militum animos, L.: voluntate alienati, S.: me falsā suspicione alienatum esse, estranged , S.: gentium regem sibi, L.—Pass.with ab, to have an aversion for, shrink from : a falsā adsensione alienatos esse.— To alienate, deprive of reason, make delirious, drive mad : alienatus animo, L.: alienatā mente, Cs.: alienato ab sensu animo, L.: alienatus ad libidinem animo, L.

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