
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aliō adv.

old dat.of alius, to another place, to another, elsewhere . — Of place: profectus alio, T.: translatos alio maerebis amores, H.: alio traduci, L.: Arpinumne mihi eundum sit, an quo alio, to some other place : Romam aliove quo, L.—Of persons or things: illi suam animum alio conferunt, T.: alio narrata referunt, O.: vocat me alio vestra exspectatio, to another subject : alio properare, S.—Of purpose or design: hoc longe alio spectabat, had a very different purpose , N.— Alio . . alio, in one way ... in another; hither ... thither (cf. huc ... illuc): alio res familiaris, alio ducit humanitas.—Alius alio, each in a different way, one in one way ... another in another : et ceteri quidem alius alio: dilapsi passim alii alio. —With a negative and quam , or in questions with nisi : plebem nusquam alio natam quam ad serviendum, for nothing else , L.: quo alio, nisi ad nos confugerent?L.

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