
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

alternus adj.

alter, one after the other, alternate, in turn, reciprocal : ex duabus orationibus capita alterna recitare: alternis trabibus ac saxis, beams alternating with stones , Cs.: pes, H.: alterni si congrediamur, every other one of us , V.: in hoc alterno pavore, i. e. panic alternately in either army , L.: fratrem alternā morte redimere, by dying and reviving with him in turn , V.: alternis paene verbis laudans, with almost every other word , L.: amant alterna Camenae, responsive song , V.: alternis aptum sermonibus, dialogue , H.—Of verses, alternate hexameter and pentameter, elegiac : pedes alternos esse oportebit: canere alterno carmine, O.— In courts the parties took turns in challenging judges; hence, alterna consilia reicere, to reject by turns : reiectio iudicum alternorum.

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