Related Words
ambāges, is, f. (nom. and gen. sing. dub., though mentioned in Charis. p. 25 P. and found in Tac. H....
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
(ambāgēs is),> f, only ablsing. ambage, and plur.ambāgēs, um
ambi + 1 AG-, a going around, roundabout way : variarum ambage viarum (of the labyrinth), O.: dolos tecti ambagesque resolvit, V.—Fig., of speech, digression, circumlocution, evasion : ambages mihi narrare, T.: per ambages et longa exorsa tenere, V.: pueris dignae, L.: missis ambagibus, without circumlocution , H.: positis ambagibus, O.— A riddle, enigma, dark saying : immemor ambagum suarum, O.: tacitae, a dumb show , L.: eā ambage Chalcedonii monstrabantur, Ta.: per ambages effigies ingenii sui, an enigmatical symbol of , L.
ambāges, is, f. (nom. and gen. sing. dub., though mentioned in Charis. p. 25 P. and found in Tac. H....
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.