Related Words
amb-ĭgo, ĕre (perf. tense not used), v. n. [ago]. I Lit., to go about or around : ambigens patr...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
ambigō ere, only present stem
ambi + ago, to go about, go around, avoid : patriam, Ta.—Fig., to hesitate, waver, doubt, be in doubt about : ius. quod ambigitur, of which there is a doubt : Quale quid sit, ambigitur, is uncertain : adspici volucrem, non ambigitur, cannot be doubted , Ta.: ne quis ambigat decus eam habere, Ta.— To argue, dispute, contend, debate : de vero: cum eo: de quo (fundo) nihil ambigebatur, there was no dispute .
amb-ĭgo, ĕre (perf. tense not used), v. n. [ago]. I Lit., to go about or around : ambigens patr...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.