
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

amor ōris, m

AM-, love, affection, strong friendly feeling : amor, ex quo amicitia nominata: amor erga me: amores hominum in te: patrius, for a son , V.: fraternus, for a brother , Cs.—Esp. of sexual love: in amore haec sunt vitia, T.: ancillae, H.—Plur, love-adventures : Solis, O.—Fig., an eager desire, passion : consulatūs amor: amicitiae: vini, L.: auri, V.: habendi, V.: scribendi, H.: tantus amor casūs cognoscere nostros, V.: in longum ducis amores, my desire (for a song), V.— Meton., mostly plur, a beloved object, one's love : Pompeius nostri amores: suos addicere amores, O.: primus, my first husband , V.— A charm to excite love : matri praereptus amor, V.—Person.: Amor, the god of love, Love, Cupid : Paret Amor dictis, V.—Plur, Cupids, Loves : nudi, O.: lascivi, H.

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