
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ā-moveō ōvī, ōtus, ēre

ab + moveo, to move away, take away, remove : testem abs te, T.: virgas a civium corpore: alia ab hostium oculis, L.: illum ex istis locis. — Esp., with pron reflex., to take oneself off, retire, withdraw : hinc te, T.: e coetu se, L.— To get away, abstract, steal : boves per dolum amotas, H.— To remove by banishment, banish : amotus Cercinam, Ta.: iudicio senatūs, Ta.—Fig., to lay aside, set aside, get rid of : amoto metu, T.: amoto ludo, jesting apart , H.: bellum, avert , L.: odium, invidiam.

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