
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

anceps cipitis, abl.cipitī, adj.

an- (for ambi-) + CAP-, that has two heads, two-headed : Ianus, O.: acumen, two-peaked , O.—Meton., double, twosided : securis, two-edged , O.: bestiae quasi ancipites in utrāque sede viventes, amphibious : ancipiti contentione districti, on both sides : ancipiti proelio pugnatum est, i. e. both in front and in the rear , Cs.: ancipiti premi periculo, N.: periculum anceps (erat), S.: ancipitem pugnam hostibus facere, i. e. by horse and foot , Ta.: metus, et ab cive et ab hoste, twofold , L.: munimenta, facing both ways , L.—Fig., double, twofold propter ancipitem faciendi dicendique sapientiam: ius, the uncertainty of the law , H.— Wavering, doubtful, uncertain, unfixed, ambiguous, undecided : fortuna belli: oraculum, L.: proelium, L.: Mars, indecisive , L.: bellum ancipiti Marte gestum, L.: fides, Cu.— Ellipt.: sequor hunc, Lucanus an Apulus, anceps (sc. ego), i. e. of uncertain origin , H.— Dangerous, hazardous, perilous, critical : locus: viae, O.: periculum, Ta.: quia revocare eos anceps erat, L.—As subst n., danger, hazard, peril : facilius inter ancipitia clarescunt, Ta.

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