
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

anguis (disyl.), is (abl.angue; rarely anguī), m and f

ANG-, a serpent, snake : os cinctum anguibus: tortus, O.: cane peius et angui vitare, i. e. most anxiously , H.—Esp., in fable as an emblem: of terror, the snaky head of Medusa, O.; of rage, the serpent-girdle of Tisiphone, O.; of art and wisdom, the serpent-team of Medea, O.; of Ceres, O.—Prov.: latet anguis in herbā, a snake in the grass , V.—Meton., of a constellation, of Draco, the Dragon , V., O.; of Hydra, the Hydra, waterserpent , O.; the serpent held by Anguitenens, O.

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