
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

anima ae, f

AN-, air, a current of air, breeze, breath, wind : impellunt animae lintea, H.: ignes animaeque, V.— Esp., the air utrum (animus) sit ignis, an anima: semina terrarum animaeque, V.— Breath : animam compressi, T.: animam recipe, take breath , T.: animam puram conservare: animas fovent illo, correct their breath , V.: inspirant graves animas, O.: anima amphorae, the fumes of wine , Ph.—Meton., life : animam exstinguere, T.: deponere, N.: vomere, V.: de liberorum animā iudicandum est: anima nostra in dubio est, S.: Mortalīs animas sortiri, H.: et animam agere, et efflare dicimus, to give up the ghost : non eodem tempore et gestum et animam ageres, i. e. exert yourself in gesturing to the point of death . —Prov.: quid, si animam debet? is in debt for his life? i. e. for everything , T.—Poet., of a dear friend: animae dimidium meae, H.: animae pars, H.— A life, living being, soul, person : egregias animas, quae, etc., V.: animae quales nec candidiores, etc., H.: magnae animae, Ta.— The shades, departed spirits, manes : tu pias laetis animas reponis Sedibus, H.: animam sepulcro Condimus, V.— The rational soul, mind : rationis consilique particeps: docent non interire animas, Cs.

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