
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

animadvertō or -vortō or (older) animum advertō (constr. as one word), tī, sus, ere

animum + adverto, to direct the mind, give attention to, attend to, consider, regard, observe : tuam rem, T.: eadem in pace: sed animadvertendum est diligentius quae sit, etc.: animum advertere debere, qualis, etc., N.: ad mores hominum regendos, L.: illud animadvertisse, ut ascriberem, etc. consul animadvertere proximum lictorem iussit, to call attention to the consul's presence , L.— To mark, notice, observe, perceive, see, discern : horum silentium: puerum dormientem: quod quale sit: Postquam id vos velle animum advorteram, T.: innocentes illos natos, etc., N.: haec ... utcumque animadversa aut existimata erunt, whatever attention or consideration be given , L.: his animadversis, V.: illud ab Aristotele animadversum, the fact observed by. — To attend to, censure, blame, chastise, punish : ea ab illo animadvortenda iniuria est, deserves to be punished , T.: O facinus animadvortendum, worthy of punishment , T.: vox ... in quā nihil animadverti possit, there is nothing censurable : neque animadvertere ... nisi sacerdotibus permissum, Ta.: verberibus in civīs, S.: si in hunc animadvertissem: cum animadversum esset in iudices.

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