
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

annus ī, m

1 AC-, a year (orig. ten months, from Martius to December; after Numa, twelve): annos sexaginta natus es, T.: se annum posse vivere: ad annum octogesimum pervenire, N.: annos habere quattuor, to be four years old : anni fugaces, H.: piger, H.: anni breves, H.: initio anni, L.: anno exeunte: extremo anno, L.: proximus, S.: solidus, a full year , L.: gravis annis, with age , H.: pleno anno, at the close of , H.— In adverb. uses: anno senatum non habere, during a year , L.: maximam uno anno pecuniam facere: ter in anno, each year : ter et quater anno, H.: matronae annum eum luxerunt, a whole year , L.: faciendum est ad annum, a year hence : prolatae in annum res, for a year , L.: differs curandi tempus in annum?H.: provisae frugis in annum Copia, for a year , H.: in unum annum creati, for a single year , L.: inter tot annos, during so many years : per tot annos: per hos annos: arva per annos mutant, every year , Ta.: omnibus annis, every year , H.: omnes annos, perpetually , H.: post aliquot annos, some years later : abhinc duo annos, two years ago . — Meton., a season : nunc formosissimus annus, now the year is most beautiful , V.: pomifer, H.— The produce of the year : nec arare terram aut exspectare annum, Ta.— The age required for public office (see annalis): anno meo, i. e. as soon as I was eligible .—In astronomy: magnus, the period in which the signs complete a circuit .

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