
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ante-eō īvī or iī, —, īre

(anteit, disyl., H., O.; anteirent, trisyl., V.; anteat, O.; antībō, Ta.; antissent, Ta.; antisse, Ta.), to go before, precede: strenuus anteis, H.: ubi anteire primores vident, L.: Te semper anteit Necessitas, H.: praetoribus. —Fig., to take precedence of, surpass, excel: erum sapientiā, T.: aetatem meam honoribus, L.: aetate illos: candore nives, V.: iis aetate.—To anticipate, prevent, avert: damnationem anteeit, Ta.: periculum, Ta.—To resist: auctoritati parentis, Ta.

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