
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aperiō eruī, ertus, īre

ab + 2 PAR-, to uncover, lay bare : caput: aperto pectore, with bared breast , O.: ingulo aperto, with his throat cut , O.: partūs, bring to light , H.: apertae pectora matres, with bared breasts , O.— To open, uncover, unclose, make visible, discover, display, show, reveal : ostium, T.: forīs, O.: sociis viam, V.: ferro iter, S.: locum ... asylum, as an asylum , L.: specūs, Ta.: his unda dehiscens Terram aperit, discloses , V.: aperitur Apollo, comes in sight , V.: nondum aperientibus classem promunturiis, i. e. while the fleet was still hidden behind them , L.: omnia quae latuerunt: fatis ora, for the utterance of , V.: fenestram ad nequitiam, T.: annum, to begin , V.: fuste caput, i. e. to cleave , Iu.—Of places, to lay open, render accessible : Troiam Achivis, V.: armis orbem terrarum, L.: gentīs ac reges, Ta.—Fig., to disclose, unveil, reveal, make known, unfold, explain, expose : hominum mentīs: fabulae partem, T.: coniurationem, S.: locum suspicioni: casūs aperire futuros, to disclose the future , O.: coacti se aperiunt, show what they are , T.: ne semet ipse aperiret, betray himself , L.: dum se ipsa res aperiat, N.: quid cogitaret: quis sim, L.

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