
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

appetō (ad-p-) īvī or iī, ītus, ere.—

Trans, to strive for, reach after, grasp at: (solem) manibus: salutari, appeti: mare terram appetens: munitionibus loca, taking in, L.—Esp., to fall upon, attack, assault, assail: umerum gladio, Cs.: oculos rostro, L.: ferro corpora, V.: ignominiis.—Fig., to strive after, long for, desire, seek, court: populiR. amicitiam, Cs.: bona naturā: inimicitias potentiorum pro te: nihil sibi: agere aliquid. — Intrans, to draw nigh, approach, be at hand: dies appetebat, Cs.: nox, L.: fatum, Cu.

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