
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

applicō (adp-) āvī or uī, ātus, āre,

to join, connect, attach, add: corpora corporibus, press closely, L.: ut ad honestatem applicetur (voluptas). — Fig., to apply, direct, turn: animum ad alqd, T.: se animus applicat ad alqd: se ad vos, T.: ad alicuius se familiaritatem: se ad philosophiam: adplicant se, associate together: votis amicas aures, to give attention, H. — Meton., to bring, put, place at, apply to: capulo tenus ensem, drives to the hilt, V.: ad eas (arbores) se, lean against, Cs.: se ad flammam, draw near: flumini castra, L.—To drive to, direct to: regionibus angues, O.: boves illuc, O. — Esp., of ships, to direct to, bring to: navim ad naufragum: ad terram naves, Cs.: Ceae telluris ad oras Applicor, O.: applicor ignotis (terris), O.: oris (te), V.: classem in Erythraeam, L. — Intrans, to arrive, put in, land: quocumque litore applicuisse naves, L.: quo applicem? Enn. ap. C.

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