
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

āra ae, f

AS-, a structure for sacrifice, altar : ex arā sume verbenas, T.: dicata, L.— Esp., of altars to the Penates, in the impluvia, while the Lares had a focus in the atrium; hence, arae et foci, hearth and home, altars and fires : regis arae focique: de vestris aris ac focis decernite: pro aris atque focis suis cernere, S.—Supplicants fled to the altars for protection: cum in aram confugisset: eo ille confugit in arāque consedit, N.— An oath was confirmed by laying the hand on the altar: qui si aram tenens iuraret, crederet nemo: iurandae tuum per nomen arae, H.: Tango aras, et numina testor, V.— Fig., protection, refuge, shelter : aram tibi parare, T.: ad aram legum tonfugere: ara sepulchri, a funeral pile , V.: sepulchrales arae, O.— The Altar (a constellation): pressa, i. e. low in the south , O.— A monument : ara virtutis.

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