
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ārdeō sī, sus, ēre

3 AR-, to be on fire, burn, blaze, be burned : septem tabernae arsere, L.: arsuras comas obnubit, V.: hospes Paene arsit, H.: arsuri ignibus artūs, O.—Fig., to flash, sparkle, shine : ardebant oculi.—Of colors: Tyrio murice laena, V.— Of passion, etc., to burn, glow, be inflamed, be afire : cum furor arderet Antonii: inplacabilis ardet, V.: amore: iracundiā, T.: cum bello Italia arderet: irā, L.: in illum odia civium ardebant: furore, L.: studiis equorum, with zeal for racing , H.: animi ad ulciscendum ardebant, were full of fury , Cs.: in arma magis, V.—Poet., with inf, to desire ardently : ruere utroque, O.— Esp., to be afire with love, burn with love : captis mentibus, O.: non aliā magis, H.— Poet., with acc: Alexin, V.: adulteri Crines, H.

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