
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

arma ōrum, n

1 AR-, implements, outfit, instruments, tools : cerealia, for making bread , V.: (coloni) operis, O.: omne genus: armorum, Cs.: Conligere arma iubet, the ship's tackle , V.— Armor fitted to the body, defensive armor (the shield, coat of mail, helmet, etc.): arma his imperata, galea, clipeum, ocreae, lorica, omnia ex aere, L.: auro caelata, L.: Lausum super arma ferre, on his shield , V.: caelestia, quae ancilia appellantur, L.: se collegit in arma, covered with his shield , V.— In gen., implements of war, arms, weapons : alia ad tegendum, alia ad nocendum: belli, T.: pugnis, dein ... Pugnabant armis, H.: arma capere: ferre posse, Cs.: aptare, L.: induere, O.: armis accingi, V.: vocare ad arma: ad arma concurri, Cs.: armis uti: in armis esse, under arms , Cs.: cum alquo armis dimicare, N.: deponere, Cs.: amittere, V.: deripere militibus, H.: ad bellum polliceri, L.: armorum atque telorum portationes, S.— Fig., means of protection, defence, weapons : prudentiae: mihi Stertinius arma (i. e. praecepta) dedit, H.: contra Borean, i. e. covering , O.: quaerere conscius arma, i. e. ways of attacking me , V.: silent leges inter arma, in war : cedant arma togae: externa erat, foreign , L.: civilia, Ta.: inferre Italiae, N.: ad horrida promptior arma, O.: compositis armis, H.: Arma virumque cano, V.: in arma feror, battle , V.— A side, party in war : isdem in armis fui.— Soldiers, troops : nostro supplicio liberemus Romana arma, L.: machina Feta armis, V.: auxiliaria, auxiliary troops , O.

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