
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

asper era, erum (poet., ablplur. aspris, V.), adj.with comp.and sup.

ab + spes, without hope, adverse, calamitous, troublesome, cruel, perilous : tempora: oppugnatio, Cs.: mala res, spes multo asperior, S.: venatus, V.: fata, V.— As subst: aspera multa pertulit, hardships , H.— Of nature and character, rough, harsh, hard, violent, unkind, cruel : homo naturā: Iuno, V.: iuvenis monitoribus, H.: asperrimi ad condicionem pacis, L.: rebus non asper egenis, V.: cladibus asper, exasperated , O.: doctrina asperior: fores, i. e. of a cruel mistress , H.: Asperior tribulis (Galatea). more unfeeling , O.— Wild, savage, fierce : (anguis) siti, V.: tactu leo, H.: facetiae.—Of climate, harsh, severe : caelo Germania, Ta.: hiemps, S.: asperrimo hiemis, in the depth , Ta.— Of style, harsh : oratio. — Rough, uneven : regio: loca, Cs.: rura dumis, V.: rubus, prickly , V.: aequora ventis, H.: pocula signis, i. e. wrought in relief , V.: frons cornu, O.: capilli (i. e. hirsuti), H.: maria, stormy , V.: vinum, harsh , T.: pronuntiationis genus, rough : littera, i. e. the letter r , O.

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