
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

āter tra, trum, adj.

AID-, black, coal-black, gloomy, dark (cf. niger, glossy-black): panis, T.: carbo, T.: alba et atra discernere: noctes, Ta.: tempestas, V.: mare, gloomy , H.: lictores, clothed in black , H.: corvus atro gutture, Ct. — Fig., black, dark, gloomy, sad, dismal, unfortunate : timor, V.: mors, H.: fila trium sororum, H.: alae (mortis), H.: serpens, V.— Esp.: dies atri, unlucky days (marked in the calendar with coal): si atro die faxit insciens, probe factum esto, L.— Malevolent, malicious, virulent : versus, H.: dens, poisonous , H.

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