
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

auferō abstulī, ablātus, auferre

ab + fero, to take away, bear off, carry off, withdraw, remove : istaec intro, T.: e proelio auferri: multa domum suam: liberi per delectūs auferuntur, Ta.: caput domino, V.: Ille sibi ablatus, robbed of his own form , O.: illi vertice crinem, taken from her head , V.: auferri e conspectu, to disappear , L.— Of waves, wind, etc., to carry away, waft, bear, whirl : alquem ad scopulum e tranquillo, T.: auferor in scopulos, O.: in silvam pennis ablata, V.— To carry off, snatch away, rob, steal : a nobis hoc, T.: ab hoc abaci vasa omnia: pecuniam de aerario. — To sweep away, destroy, kill, slay : abstulit mors Achillem, H.: quidquid mors aufert, L.: alqd Mulciber abstulerat, had consumed , O.— Fig., to carry off, gain, obtain, get, receive : inultum numquam id auferet, T.: paucos dies ab aliquo: ut in foro statuerent (statuas), abstulisti, i. e. have prevailed. — To carry away, learn, understand : hoc non ex priore actione, posse, etc.— To get off, escape : haud sic auferent, T.— To take away, snatch away, remove : hi ludi dies quindecim auferent, take up : imperium indignis, from the unworthy , L.: conspectum eius contioni, deprives , L.: vitam senibus: spem: fervorem, L.: metūs, V.: somnos, H.: me velut de spatio, from my subject , L.: fortassis et istinc abstulerit aetas, will free me from them , H.: pollicitationes aufer, away with , T.: aufer Me voltu terrere, desist , H.

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