
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aula ae (gen.aulāī, V.), f

, αὐλή, a court, fore-court, yard: immanis ianitor aulae, i. e. Cerberus, H.: mediā in aulā, O.—For cattle, H.—An inner court of a house, hall, V.: lectus genialis in aulā est, H.—A palace, residence, royal court: illā se iactet in aulā Aeolus, in his residence, V.: invidendus, H.: laeta Priami, H.: discors, i. e. the courtiers, Ta.: puer ex aulā, a page, H.—Poet., of the cell of the queen-bee: aulas et cerea regna refingunt, V.—Princely power, royalty: auctoritas aulae.

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