
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aura ae (āī, V.), f

, αὔρα, the air (in motion), a breeze, breath of air, wind, blast: me ... omnes terrent aurae, V.: ventosi murmuris aurae, V.: rapida, O.: flammas exsuscitat aura, the breath, O. —Fig., a breath of air, wind: rumoris: famae, V.: spei, L.: voluntatis defensionisque, influence: fallax, i. e. the fickle wind of favor, H.: popularis, popular favor, C., L., H.: aura favoris popularis, L.: gaudens popularibus auris, V.: aurā, non consilio ferri, the favor of the mob, L.: divinae particula aurae, i. e. the soul, H.—The air, atmosphere, vital air (poet.): auras Vitales carpis, V.: vesci aurā Aetheriā, to live, V.: captare naribus auras, to snuff the air, V.: libertatis auram captare, a hope, L.—Height, heaven, the upper air: adsurgere in auras, V.: telum contorsit in auras, upwards, V.: stat ferrea turris ad auras (poet. for ad alta), rises, V. — The upper world: Eurydice superas veniebat ad auras, V.: pondus ad auras Expulit, i. e. was delivered of, O.—Daylight, publicity: omnia ferre sub auras, to make known, V.: fugere auras, to hide, V.—An odor, exhalation: illi Dulcis compositis spiravit crinibus aura, V.: unde auri aura refulsit, splendor, V.

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