Related Words
auspĭcĭum, ii, n. [auspex], I divination by observing the flight of birds , augury from birds , au...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
auspicium ī, n
auspex, divination by the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices : comitia auspiciis impedire: auspicia habere, authority to take the auspices , L.: observare, L.— A sign, omen, divine premonition, indication by augury : optimis auspiciis ea geri: alitem auspicium fecisse, L.: melioribus auspiciis, under better omens , V.: cui (diviti) si libido Fecerit auspicium, i. e. an impulse , H.— Since only the chief in command could take the auspices for the army, command, guidance, authority : ductu auspicioque eius res gerere, L.: tuis Auspiciis confecta duella, H.: Illius auspiciis moenia victa, O.: maioribus ire auspiciis, i. e. of Jupiter himself , V.— Right, power, inclination, will : meis ducere vitam Auspiciis, V.: populum paribus regamus Auspiciis, V.
auspĭcĭum, ii, n. [auspex], I divination by observing the flight of birds , augury from birds , au...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.