
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

āvellō (vellī), volsus or vulsus, ere

ab + vello, to tear away, rend off, pluck, snatch away : poma ex arboribus vi: alqd a corpore: frondes, O.: leporum avulsos armos edere, H.: avolsum umeris caput, V.: truncis corpora, O.: tibi mavis pretium avellier?H.: sibi avelli iubet spiculum.— To tear away, remove by force : ab eā sese, T.: de matris hunc complexu: ut sperem posse avelli, be separated , T.: neque avelli possunt, leave the place , V.: complexu avulsus Iuli, V.— To pluck away, rescue : hunc convitio a tanto errore.

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