
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

āversus adj.with sup.

P. of averto, turned away, turned back, on the back side, behind, backwards : et adversus et aversus impudicus es: aversum hostem videre, the backs of the enemy , Cs.: ne aversi ab hoste circumvenirentur, shut off in the rear , Cs.: quem aversum transfixit, in the back , N.: aversos boves caudis in speluncam traxit, L.: porta, in the rear , L.: porta aversissima, farthest back , L.— Plur n . as subst, the hinder part, back : per aversa urbis fuga, L.: insulae, L.—Fig., withdrawn : milites a proelio, Cs.— Disinclined, alienated, unfavorable, opposed, averse, hostile : a Musis: aversissimo a me animo esse: a proposito, L.: aversis auribus questa, to deaf. ears , L.: Deae mens, V.: amici, H.—With dat: nobis, Ta.: mercaturis, H.: lucro, not greedy of , H.

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