
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

bacchor ātus, ārī, dep.

Bacchus, to celebrate the festival of Bacchus, rave like Bacchae, revel : quanta in voluptate, exult : in vestrā caede: non sanius Edonis, H.: per urbem, roams in frenzy , V.: Fama per urbem, runs wild , V.—With acc: Grande carmen, Iu.; cf. Euhoe bacchantes, raising the cry of Bacchus , Ct.—Poet.: virginibus bacchata (iuga), i. e. frequented by the revels , V.: Bacchatam iugis Naxon legimus, i. e. with vine-clad hills , V.: bacchante vento, holding revelry , H.— Of extravagance in language: furere et bacchari.

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