
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

bellum old and poet. duellum, ī, n

DVA-, DVI-, war . — Form duellum: agere rem duelli, C.(lex): purum piumque, L.(old record): victoria duelli, L.(oracle): Pacem duello miscuit, H.— Form bellum: Germanicum, against the Germans , Cs.: Sabinum, L.: regium, against kings : civile, Cs.: Helvetiorum, against the H ., Cs.: Pyrrhi: cum Iugurthā: cum Samnitibus, L.: adversus Vestinos, L.: contra patriam: in Peloponnesios gerere, N.: in Asia gerere: gerere apud Mutinam, N.: civitati bellum indicere: patriae facere: parare, L.: parare alcui, against , N.: decernere alicui: indicere, L.: facere alicui: sumere, to undertake , S.: facere atque instruere, carry on : difficultates belli gerendi, Cs.: Hannibale duce gerere, L.: trahere, to protract , L.: bellum non inferre, sed defendere, not aggressive but defensive , Cs.: deponere, to discontinue , S.: velut posito bello, L.: positis bellis, V.: componere, to end by treaty , S.: sedare, N.: conficere, to end successfully : finire, to terminate , L.: futura bella delere, make impossible : legere, to read about : consentire, to ratify a declaration of war , L.: ad privatum deferre, to give the command in : mandare alcui, L.: alcui bellum gerendum dare: bello imperatorem praeficere: alqm ad bellum mittere: ad bellum proficisci: bellum in Galliā coortum est, broke out , Cs.: exortum, L.: spargi bellum nequibat, be waged by detachments , Ta.— In expressions of time, manner, etc.—Belli ( loc . case), in war, during war : magnae res belli gerebantur; usu. with domi : belli domique, S.: vel belli vel domi: in bello, in war-time , L.: in civili bello: in Volsco bello, L.: bello Romanorum: res bello gestae, during war , L.: res pace belloque gestae, L.: princeps pace belloque, L.: bello domique, L.: omnibus Punicis bellis: victor tot intra paucos dies bellis, L.: mos inter bellum natus, L.: iustum, righteous , L.; also, regular warfare (opp. populabundi more), L.: belli eventus, the result : belli exitus: bella incerti exitūs, indecisive , L.: fortuna belli, the chances of war , L.: varia, L.: belli artes, military skill , L.: iura belli, the law of war : genus belli, the character of the war . — Meton., of animals or things, war : parietibus bellum inferre: philosophiae ... bellum indicere: ventri Indico bellum, H.: miluo est bellum cum corvo.— A feud, private hostility : cum eo bellum gerere quicum vixeris: hoc tibi iuventus Romana indicimus bellum, L.—Personified (for Ianus): sunt geminae Belli portae, etc., V.: Belli postes portasque, H.—Plur, an army : Nereus Bella non transfert, O.— Battle : bello excedere, S.: laus eius belli, L.: Actia bella, V.— A history of a war : gaudebat Bello suo Punico Naevius.

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