
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

beneficium ī, n

bene+2 FAC-, a favor, benefit, service, kindness : Pro maleficio beneficium reddere, T.: alcui dare: apud bonos beneficium conlocare, lay under obligation : Iugurtham beneficiis vincere, S.: in regem: erga me: Abs quivis homine beneficium accipere, T.: adfici beneficio: beneficio sum tuo usus, have received from you : benefici memor esse, S.: beneficio tuo salvus, thanks to you : nostri consulatūs beneficio, by means of : hoc beneficio, by this means , T.: sortium beneficio incolumis, by the lucky turn of , Cs.: alqd per beneficium civitatibus concedere, as a favor : (alqd illis) in benefici loco deferendum, offered as a kindness : coöptatio collegiorum ad populi beneficium transferebatur, i. e. the power to choose was vested in : in beneficiis ad aerarium delatus est, i. e. among those who had done service to the state : ne qua tabula benefici figeretur, no man posted as privileged. —An honor, distinction, office, promotion : beneficio populiR.ornatus: vestris beneficiis praeditus: quae antea dictatorum fuerant beneficia, in the gift of , L.: beneficia vostra penes optumos forent, S.

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