
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

benīgnē adv.with comp.and sup.

benignus, in a friendly manner, kindly, benevolently, courteously, benignly : facere, T.: viam monstrare, courteously : audire: respondere, S.: adloqui, L.: arma capere, cheerfully , L.: plurimis benigne fecisti, have rendered kindness : quibus benigne videbitur fieri, who shall appear to receive favors : benigne dicis, you are very kind , T.: benigne ac liberaliter (ironical), kind and generous : ‘At tu quantum vis tolle.’ ‘Benigne,’ no, I thank you , H.— Abundantly, liberally, freely, generously : quod opus sit benigne praebere, T.: praedam ostentat, in abundance , S.: benignius Deprome merum, H.

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