
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

bibō bibī, —, ere

BI-, to drink : vinum, T.: mella diluta, H.: lac, to suck , O.: gemmā, from a jewelled cup , V.: caelato (sc. poculo), Iu.: Quod iussi ei dari bibere, to be given her to drink , T.: ut bibere sibi iuberet dari, L.: Iovi bibere ministrare: sitis exstincta bibendo, O.: ab tertiā horā bibebatur: Graeco more (i. e. propinando): Xanthum, i. e. water from , V.: Caecubam uvam (i. e. vinum), H.—Prov.: aut bibat aut abeat (at a feast). —With the name of a river, to visit, reach, frequent, dwell in the region of : si Hebrum bibamus, V.: Ararim Parthus bibet, i. e. the Parthians will come to Germany , V.: Extremum Tanain si biberes, Lyce, H.— Bibere aquas, i. e. to be drowned , O.— Meton., to take in, absorb, imbibe : sat prata biberunt, have been watered , V.: (terra) bibit umorem, absorbs moisture , V.: Amphora fumum bibere instituta, H.—Of the rainbow: bibit ingens arcus, V.— Fig., to receive, take in, drink in : longum amorem, V.: Pugnas bibit aure, H.: animo sanguinem, thirst for : Hasta bibit cruorem, drew , V.

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