
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

blandus adj.with comp.and sup.

MAL-, of smooth tongue, flattering, fawning, caressing : homo blandior, T.: amicus: adfabilis, blandus, N.: canes, V.: adversus alqm: in publico, L.: blandus fidibus Ducere quercūs, H.: chorus doctā prece blandus, H.— Fig., flattering, pleasant, agreeable, enticing, alluring, charming, seductive : oratio: voces, V.: preces, H.: verba, O.: inlecebrae voluptatis: manus Non sumptuosā blandior hostiā, not more acceptable with a costly victim , H.: caudae, O.: otium consuetudine in dies blandius, L.: voluptates, blandissimae dominae, most seductive .

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