
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

bracchium (brāch-) ī, n

, βραχίων, the forearm, lower arm: bracchia et lacerti, O.: (feminae) nudae bracchia et lacertos, Ta.—In gen., the arm: bracchium fregisse: diu iactato bracchio scutum emittere, Cs.: collo dare bracchia circum, V.: bracchia Cervici dabat, H.: Bracchia ad superas extulit auras, V.: iuventus horrida bracchiis, H.: matri bracchia tendere, O.: tendens ad caelum bracchia, O.: diversa bracchia ducens, i. e. separating widely, V.—Prov.: dirigere bracchia contra Torrentem, to swim against the current, Iu.— Of gesture: extento bracchio.—Of the Cyclopes at work: bracchia tollunt In numerum, keeping time, V.—Fig.: aliquid levi bracchio agere, to do negligently: me molli bracchio obiurgas, gently: Praebuerim sceleri bracchia nostra tuo, lend a hand, O.—Meton., of animals, the claws of crawfish, O.—The claws of the constellations Scorpio and Cancer, V., O.—Of trees, the branches: in ramos bracchia crescunt, O.—Of the vine, V.—An arm of the sea: nec bracchia porrexerat Amphitrite, O.—A ship's yard: iubet intendi bracchia velis, V.—A leg (of a pair of dividers): duo ferrea bracchia, O.—In fortifications, an outwork: bracchio obiecto, L.: muro bracchium iniunxerat, a line of communication, L.: bracchiis duobis Piraeum Athenis iungere, walls, L.

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