
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

brevis e, adj.with comp.and sup.

BREG-.— In space, short : via, V.: brevior via, N.: cursus brevissimus, V.: brevius iter, O.: tam brevis aqua, so narrow a stream , O.: scopulus, small , O.: brevibus Gyaris, Iu.— Of stature, short, small, low : iudex brevior quam testis: (puella) longa brevisque, O.— Of height: ut pleraque Alpium, sicut breviora, ita adrectiora sunt, lower , L.—Of depth, shallow : vada, V.: puteus, Iu.—Plur n . as subst, shallow places, shallows, shoals : Eurus In brevia urget, V.—Of the line of a circle: ubi circulus spatio brevissimus ambit, makes the shortest path , O.—Fig., of life: vitae curriculum: vitae brevis cursus: fila vitae breviora, O.— Little, small : brevibus implicata viperis, H.: caput, H.: alvus, V.: folia breviora, H.: census, H.: sigillum, O.—As subst n. : scis In breve te cogi, i. e. to be rolled up closely (of a book), H.— Meton., of time, short, brief, little, short-lived : tempus: brevissimum tempus, L.: anni, H.: occasio, T.: omnia brevia tolerabilia esse debent: vitae summa brevis (gen.), H.: littera, a short vowel : syllaba, a short syllable , H.: dactylus, qui est e longā et duabus brevibus: aut omnia breviora aliquanto fuere, aut, etc., occupied a shorter time , L.: flores rosae, short-lived , H.: cena, frugal , H.: ira furor brevis est, H.—Of discourse, short, brief, concise : narratio: Crassi oratio: quam brevia responsu!: cum se breves putent esse, brief : brevis esse laboro, Obscurus fio, H.: breve facere, to be brief : in breve coactae causae, L.: tam in brevi spatio, in so short time , T.: brevi spatio, a little while , S.: spatio brevi, H.: brevi tempore ad nihilum venire, in a little while .

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