
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cadō cecidī, casūrus, ere

CAD-, to fall, fall down, descend : lucrumae cadunt gaudio, T.: (apes) praecipites cadunt, V.: caelo ceciderunt sereno Fulgura, V.: a mento cadit manus, O.: de manibus arma cecidissent: vela cadunt, are furled , V.: Altius atque cadant imbres, from a greater height , V.— To fall, fall down, fall prostrate, fall over : ne ille ceciderit, has had a fall , T.: velut si prolapsus cecidisset, L.: prolapsa in volnus moribunda cecidit, L.: in pectus pronus, O.: casura moenia Troum, O.: casurae arces, V.—Of heavenly bodies, to set, go down, fall, sink : iuxta solem cadentem, V.: quā (nocte) Orion cadit, H.: oriens mediusve cadensve Phoebus, O.: primis cadentibus astris, fading , i. e. at dawn , V.— To fall off, fall away, fall out, drop off, be shed : barba, V.: Prima (folia) cadunt, H.: gregibus lanae cadunt, O.: poma ramis, O.: elapsae manibus cecidere tabellae, O.—Of a stream, to fall, empty itself : in sinum maris, L.—Of dice, to be thrown, fall, turn up : illud, quod cecidit forte, T.—Of shadows, to be thrown, fall (poet.): cadunt de montibus umbrae, V.— To fall dead, fall, die, be slain : in acie: Civili acie, O.: pauci de nostris cadunt, Cs.: plures Saguntini cadebant quam Poeni, L.: ante diem, prematurely , V.: suo Marte (i. e. suā manu), O.: iustā Morte, H.: femineo Marte, O.: a tanto viro, O.: a centurione, Ta.: In pio officio, O.: in patriā cadendum est, we must perish .—Of victims, to be slain, be offered, be sacrificed, fall (poet.): Multa tibi cadet hostia, V.: Si tener cadit haedus, H.: Victima vota cadit, O.—Of a woman, to yield , Tb. —Fig., to come, fall under, fall, be subject, be exposed : sub sensum: in conspectum, to become visible : si regnum ad servitia caderet, into servile hands , L.: sub imperium Romanorum: in deliberationem: in suspicionem alicuius, N.— To belong, be in accordance, agree, refer, be suitable, apply, fit, suit, become : non cadit in hos mores ista suspitio: cadit ergo in bonum virum mentiri?: Heu, cadit in quemquam tantum scelus? V.: sub eandem rationem.—Of time, to fall upon : in alienissimum tempus: in hanc aetatem.— To fall due : in eam diem cadere nummos.— To befall, fall to the lot of, happen, come to pass, occur, result, turn out, fall out : mihi peropportune: insperanti mihi cecidit, ut, etc.: Sunt quibus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti, V.: Ut illis ... voluptas cadat, H.: verba cadentia, uttered at random , H.: verba si Graeco fonte cadent, be derived from , H.: verebar quorsum id casurum esset, how it would turn out : praeter opinionem, N.: si quid adversi caderet, L.: fortuito in melius casura, Ta.: curare Quo promissa cadent, how fulfilled , H.: Vota cadunt, are fulfilled , Tb.: tibi pro vano benigna cadant, Pr.: Quo res cumque cadent, V.: si non omnia caderent secunda, Cs.: ut inrita promissa eius caderent, L.: libertas in servitutem cadit: in hunc hominem ista suspitio: ad inritum cadens spes, turning out to be vain , L.— To lose strength, fall, perish, be overthrown, drop, decline, vanish, decay, cease : cadentem rem p. fulcire: tua laus pariter cum re p. cecidit: virtute Neronis Armenius cecidit, H.: non tibi ira cecidit, L.: animus, to fail . L.: cadere animis, to lose courage : cecidere illis animi, O.— To fail (in speaking), falter : orator cadet.—Causā cadere, to lose the cause : cadere in iudicio: Ut cecidit fortuna Phrygum, O.— Of the countenance or features: tibi tamen oculi, voltus, verba cecidissent, i. e. expressed terror .— Of words: Multa renascentur, quae iam cecidere, fallen into disuse , H.—Of theatrical representations, to fail, be condemned : cadat an recto stet fabula talo, H.—Of the wind, to abate, subside, die away : cadit Eurus, O.: venti vis omnis cecidit, L.—Of words and clauses, to be terminated, end, close : verba melius in syllabas longiores cadunt: similiter cadentia, having the same endings .

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