
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

caelestis (not coel-), e (ablsing. -tī; rarely -te, O.; genplur. poet. -tūm, V., O.), adj.

caelum, of heaven, from heaven, of the heavens, heavenly, celestial : aqua, rain , H.: plagae, O.: aërii mellis dona, V.: prodigia, L.—Plur n . as subst, the heavenly bodies .—Fig., divine : numen, O.: irae, L.: origo, V.: sapientia, H.: auxilium, of the gods , O.—Plur m . as subst, the gods : in concilio caelestium: nuntia caelestes ita velle, L.: invisus caelestibus, V.: bis sex, the twelve great gods , O.: magnitudo caelestium, the divine majesty , Ta.—Plur n . as subst, heavenly objects, divine things : haec caelestia semper spectato: tentare, experience , i. e. be deified , H.— Celestial, divine, god-like, magnificent, pre-eminent : legiones: quem prope caelestem fecerint, L.: quos Elea domum reducit Palma caelestīs, glorified , H.

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